Our Services

Consultations - We undertake both first opinion and second opinion consultations as well as referrals for all rabbits and exotic species as well as first opinion for our cat patients. Our consultations are currently 15 minutes for cats and 30 minutes for rabbits/exotics with additional time for referrals. As per RCVS guidance, we require the history from your previous vet if you would like a second opinion or referral. Please bring with you a photo of your animal's set up , alongside a faeces sample (where possible) and temperature details (for reptiles and aquatics).  This will allow our team to be able to fully discuss your pet's health, including husbandry, diet and any applicable parasitology. We provide heating stations for exotics as needed and pet remedy/feliway sprayed towels for all patients. We have two waiting rooms - one for rabbits/exotics and one for cats - both are quiet and calm with pet remedy (for exotics) and feliway plus (for cats) diffusers in place.

Nursing Consultations  - Our Nurses are able to perform health checks of your rabbit, small mammal , reptile and bird and cat.  For rabbits and exotics please bring a photo of your pet's enclosure and details of their diet, temperatures . Please bring a faeces sample  from your pet if possible.

Microchipping - Many exotic animals are kept under CITES and so they are required to be microchipped. We also know that many owners like the reassurance of their rabbit/cat or exotic animal being chipped in case they were ever lost. We therefore use MicroID chips which are the smallest microchips on the veterinary market at just 8mm long. Your pet may require a brief anaesthetic in order for the chip to be placed (mainly for birds).

Beak and Nail Trims - Depending on the species, your pet may be able to see our nurse for their beak and nail trims. Many birds however require a brief anaesthetic in order to keep them stress free. When you book in with our team, you may see the vet initially so we are able to assess the temperament of your pet for future beak and nail trims.

Surgery - We perform all aspects of surgery from neutering of rabbits to celiotomies of tortoise. We use ventilators for  many of our reptiles, birds, rabbit and small mammal surgeries. Most patients will have intravenous cannulas placed and received, where appropriate, fluids and pain relief.

Radiographs - We have excellent digital radiography capable of x-raying a small goldfish to elephants. This is also mobile and so we are able to come out for a visit and take xrays in cases were transport to the clinic is not possible eg large koi fish in gardens.

Dental radiography - We have invested in the top of the range dental xray machine which is routinely use for all cat dentals . We also use this for rabbits/rodents/exotics were traditional xray is not adequate.

Ultrasonography - We are able to ultrasound a 10gram gecko or a 12kg giant continental rabbit or a 1 tonne rhino. This is a mobile unit and we are able to use this outside of the practice where a patient is not able to be transported, eg zoo collections

Endoscopy - We routinely use endoscopy , especially for rabbit and rodent dental imaging

Electrocardiography  (ECG)- We routinely use ECG to monitor our anaesthetics and also our cardiac patients.

Dr Sophie Jenkins and Dr Tom Bailey from Origin Vets are collecting data towards the research of normal and abnormal ECG of our exotic patients.

Faeces and Blood samples - We regularly blood sample our exotic patients (and soon cats!), whether it is a routine health screening or for illness. Samples may be performed in house or sent away to an external laboratory depending on  what we are looking for.

Pricing (correct October 2024, please scroll on table)

Service Price (incl VAT)
Vet Consult CAT £56
Vet Consult CAT repeat £45
Vet Consult EXOTIC £66
Vet Consult EXOTIC Repeat £54
Exotic Referral £210
Microchip (during neuter) £15
Microchip £20
Castration Rabbit/exotic mammal £185 (under 5kg)
£210 (over 5kg)
Castrate Cat £96
Spay Rabbit/exotic mammal £215 (under 5kg)
£240 (over 5kg)
Spay Cat £135
Ferret Vasectomy £265
Ferret - Receptal £150 (inc Vet check)
Ferret- superlorin implant £274 (inc vet check)
Rabbit Vacc (Myxo /RHD Plus) £106
Ferret Vacc (DHP) £55 (inv Health check)
Kitten Vacc Course £95 (inv Health check)
Kitten Package £110 (inc first flea&worming plus microchip
Cat Vacc (Indoor Cat) £55 (inv Health check)
Cat Vacc (Incl FELV forOutdoor Cat) £65 (inv Health check)
X-rays £245
Rabbit head x-rays £264
Ultrasound £245
CAT DENTALS All bands incl xrays pre & post dental. Band 2-5 fluids included
BAND 1 - Descale clean £295
BAND 2 - up to 3 extractions, clean £495
BAND 3 - up to 7 extractions,clean £725
BAND 4 - Up to 12 extractions,clean £945
BAND 5 - Total/near total mouth extractions £1250 (may be staged over 2 sessions)


Veterinary Consultation - First opinion EXOTIC

Veterinary consultation Follow up EXOTIC

Veterinary Consultation CATS

Veterinary Consultation Follow up CATS

Veterinary Consultation  Second opinion/referral

Veterinary Video Consultation

Veterinary Nurse consultation

Veterinary Nurse video consultation

VACCINATIONS - All include full health check

Rabbit Vaccinations (Nobivac Myxo RHD Plus)

Ferret Vaccination (Nobivac DHP)

Cat Vaccination (indoor cat only)

Cat Vaccination (includes FELV for outdoor cats)

Kitten Vaccination

Kitten Package (includes 1st flea/worming and microchip)

Beak and nail burr (without anaesthetic)

Beak and nail burr (with anaesthetic)

Beak and nail trim/burr (budgie/cockatiel size)

Micro-chip during neutering

Micro-chip during consultation

NEUTERING- includes full health check , post operative pain relief up to 7 days and post operative check with a nurse. K- laser is available to aid healing at additional £13

Castration Rabbit/exotic mammal <5kg

Castration Rabbit/exotic mammal >5kg

Spay Rabbit/exotic  mammal <5kg

Spay Rabbit/exotic mammal >5kg

Cat Spay

Cat Castration

Ferret - Vasectomy

Ferret - Suprelorin implant

Ferret - Receptal

CAT DENTALS - all bands include x-rays pre and post dental and  post operative pain relief (up to 7 days) with intravenous fluids also being included for bands 2-4.

Note that If your cat is on the health plan, pre-op bloods are included. If they are not on the plan, pre-op bloods are £80

Cat Dental Band  1: Descale and polish clean , xrays

Cat Dental Band  2: Surgical  up to 3 extractions , clean, xrays

Cat Dental Band  3: Surgical up to 7 extractions ,clean, xrays

Cat Dental Band  4: Major up to 12 extractions, clean, xrays

Cat Dental Band  5: Major, total/near total mouth extraction, xrays



Digital Radiography

Rabbit Head Digital Radiography



Euthanasia (includes sedation)

Routine Cremation  (without ashes returned)

Private Cremation    (with ashes returned)















£72.00 (includes full health check)

£95.00 (Includes full health check)

£28.00 (Initial £66.00 incl full health check) 










£274.00 (includes sedation if needed)

£150.00 (includes Vet Check)





£1250 (may be staged over 2 anaesthetics)

£245 (plus sedation/anaesthetic if required)

£264 (plus sedation/anaesthetic)

£245 (plus sedation/anaesthetic if required)


from £28.00

£93-170.00 (depending on casket chosen)

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